Others boats
Technical file of the boat SALAH

Name : SALAH
Registration number : CH 760
Type : Scientific fishing
Home port : Port of Khemisti, Tipaza
Length : Lht (Overall length) : 12.77 M
Length : Lpp (Perpendicular length) : 12.07 M
Width : 3.38 M
Hollow : 1.18 M
Gross Tonnage : 12.04 tons
Net Tonnage : 8.19 tons
Engine: 230 Cv
Brand : DOOSAN Model: L136TI
Maximum crew : 10
Marine crew : 04
Scientists: 06
Radio navigation equipment on board :
VHF radio type RADIO OCEAN RO 6700
Fishing sounder
Fishfinder FURUNO FCV 588
RADAR type FURUNO 1715
Magnetic compass
Deck equipment :
A hydraulic longline propeller
Missions of the boat SALAH CH 760
Experimental scientific fisheries by :
Trammel net
Surface and bottom longline
Traps and creels
Drift gillnet
Octopus pots
FADs (Fish Aggregating Devices)
Measurement of environmental parameters :
Salinity and temperature of the sea water using the multi-parameter or the CTD probe
Sample collection
Seawater for analysis
Sediments using a grab sampler
Survey and observations
Bathymetric (depth) survey of the seabed using a depth sounder.
Diving trips for observation and study of marine habitats.
Equipment on board the vessel SALAH
Data sheet of the barge EL ITKANE

Name : El Itkane
Registration number: CH 817
Construction: 2004 at MULOT shipyard
Type: Shellfish farming/Mytiliculture
Materials : Marine aluminium
Home port : Port of Khemisti, Tipaza
Length : Lht (Overall length) : 10.00 M
Length : Lpp (Perpendicular length) : 12.07 M
Width : 3.00 M
Draught : 0.65 M
Gross Tonnage : 2.4 tons
Net Tonnage : 8.19 tons
Engine : 140 Cv
Make: SUZUKI, Model: DF 140 WTL
Maximum crew : 08
Marine crew : 04
Scientists: 04
Radio navigation equipment on board :
- VHF radio type RADIO OCEAN RO 6700
- GPS type FURUNO GP 32
- Magnetic compass
- Lifting and handling equipment on board :
- 01 Marineised hydraulic crane with a load capacity of 4 Tonne/Meter.
- 02 Hydraulic jibs on the side for the lifting of the dies.
Lifting and handling equipment on board::
- 01 Marinated hydraulic crane with a load capacity of 4 Tons/Meter.
- 02 Hydraulic jib cranes on the side for raising the lifelines.
Mussel farming activities
Installation of mussel lines
Installation of spat collection devices on the lines
Regular maintenance and verification of the spat collection systems
Measurement of environmental parameters
Salinity and temperature of the sea water using the multi-parameter or CTD probe
Sample collection
Seawater sampling for analysis
Sampling of phytoplankton
Sampling of sediments with a benn