Category: Articles and News

National conference on the development of the fishing and aquaculture sector

ContexteContexteScientific communications were given by CNRDPA researchers during the second national conference on the development of the fishing and aquaculture sector and its role in achieving sustainable development objectives, organized by the Laboratoire d’Aquaculture. green economy and sustainable development of the Institute of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences of the Abdellah Morsli University Center in […]

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The Minister of Ficheries and Fishing Productions visits the hatchery of TABIA

ContexteContexteMr. Ahmed Badani, Minister of fisheries and fishing productions, carried out on Monday April 29, 2024 on the sidelines of his presence in the wilaya of Sidi Belabes an inspection visit to the Tabia freshwater fish hatchery where he was received by the Director of the CNRDPA Pr. Nabil BOUFLIH, the secretary general, the director […]

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ينعي المركز السيدة فرحان جميلة باحثة و مديرة المحطة التجربية لتربية الأسماك البحرية

ContexteContexteتعزية السيد أحمد بداني وزير الصيد البحري و المنتجات الصيديةبقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله و قدره ، تلقيت نبأ وفاة السيدة جميلة فرحان ، مديرة المحطة التجربيية لتربية الأسماك البحرية ببوإسماعيل رحمها اللهو على إثر هذا المصاب الجلل ،أتقدم إلى أسرة الفقيدة بأخلص التعازي و أصدق المواساة ، داعيا الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يسكنها فسيح جناته […]

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Study day on the promotion of the processing of fishing and aquaculture products CNRDPA

ContexteContexteOrganized on Thursday January 18, 2023 at the CNRDPA headquarters and under the supervision of Mr. Ahmed BADANI, Minister of Fisheries and Fisheries Production, a study day on “Promotion of the processing of fishing and aquaculture products ”, where emphasis was placed on the activity of processing products from fishing and aquaculture. In this regard, […]

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