Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

The CNRDPA participates in the 9th edition of the international fair for sustainable fishing and fishery products DJAZAQUA held from May 20 to 23, 2024 at the Safex exhibition center

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

 The CNRDPA received on Wednesday May 8, 2024 Ms. IRINA BUTTOUD representative of the Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Algeria; This visit is part of strengthening scientific and technical cooperation between the two parties.

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

Scientific communications were given by CNRDPA researchers during the second national conference on the development of the fishing and aquaculture sector and its role in achieving sustainable development objectives, organized by the Laboratoire d'Aquaculture. green economy and sustainable development of the Institute of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences of the Abdellah Morsli University Center in Tipaza, in collaboration with the CNRDPA; On the sidelines of this event, a scientific collaboration agreement was signed between the two parties in order to strengthen cooperation and promote scientific research in the field of fishing and aquaculture.

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

Mr. Ahmed Badani, Minister of fisheries and fishing productions, carried out on Monday April 29, 2024 on the sidelines of his presence in the wilaya of Sidi Belabes an inspection visit to the Tabia freshwater fish hatchery where he was received by the Director of the CNRDPA Pr. Nabil BOUFLIH, the secretary general, the director of the station Dr. Belkacem GUENACHI as well as the executives and techniciens

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

On the sidelines of the 10th edition of which took place on April 21 and 22 in Algiers, a visit from the South Korean delegation represented by Mrs. Jung, Myeong Hwa from the Korea Maritime Development Institute (KMI), Mr. Cho, Sam Kwang Director of the National Institute of Fisheries Sciences (NIFS) and the director of Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koica) Mr. Jang Bonghee as well as Mr. Jung of GAOOZE company was carried out on Tuesday April 23, 2024 at CNRDPA.

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

24, March,2024
The CNRDPA  organized ascientific conférence on the classification of scientific journals, were the expert Professor Houcine HASSANI, from Hassiba Benbouali University presented an intevention entitled Classification of scientific journals: strategy for impoving the classification.

Consultation letter du 23/06/2024

تعزية السيد أحمد بداني وزير الصيد البحري و المنتجات الصيدية

بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله و قدره ، تلقيت نبأ وفاة السيدة جميلة فرحان ، مديرة المحطة التجربيية لتربية الأسماك البحرية ببوإسماعيل رحمها الله

و على إثر هذا المصاب الجلل ،أتقدم إلى أسرة الفقيدة بأخلص التعازي و أصدق المواساة ، داعيا الله سبحانه وتعالى أن يسكنها فسيح جناته ، و أن ينزل عليها رحمته و يلهم أهلها و دويها جميل الصبر و السلوان .

إنا لله و إنا اليه راجعون